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Team Members

EpiNurse composes a transdisciplinary research team, whose members have come together to create innovative measures for health security and disaster risk reduction through communication and consolidation under one research framework.

Sakiko Kanbara

Epidemiology, Nursing Science

Yasuhiro Ishimine

Ph.D. Volcanology, Health Emergency 

Shoko Miyagawa

Ph.D.  Health Informatics

Satoshi Ishikawa

Ph.D.  Conservation Ecology

Hyeon Ju Lee

Ph.D.  Cultural Anthropology

Kenji Hiromoto

Graduate School of Public Policy,

The University of Tokyo

Odeda Benin Goren
Prepared Center for  Emergency  Response Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, UNDAC-OCHA expert 
Ma. Regina E. Estuar

Ph.D. Social Psychology, Information Systems

Hiroyuki Miyazaki

Ph.D. Geography, Spatial Informatics

Ngatu Rogers Nlandu

MD, Ph.D. Environmental Health

EpiNurse Japan 


Sakiko Kanbara

Founder, Ph.D. Epidemiology, Nursing Science

Yasuhiro Ishimine

Volcanology, Health Emergency

Shoko Miyagawa

Ph.D.,  Health Informatics

Hiroyuki Miyazaki

Ph.D., Geography, Spatial Informatics

EpiNurse the Philippines

The Philippines team is developing a platform for in integrating community health and disaster risk reduction through integration of surveillance (EpiNurse in Shine OS+ ) and human security information (SHEREPO) in a disaster information management platform (eBayanihan). We integrate the human and other dimensions for risk identification through improved health, which in a way challenges the conventional participatory monitoring and mapping system which require real-time or near real-time, population-based, statistical alarms to alert to unusual activity.

Maria Regina E. Estuar

Project Leader, Ph.D,  

Maria Regina E. Estuar

Project Leader, Ph.D,  

Sheila R. Bonito

Education Developer, Ph.D  

Marlene M. de Leon

Technical Consultant Ph.D,  

John Noel Victorino
Lead Developer
Case Station ​Cebu, Supervisor 
Baltz Tribunalo

Head - PDRRMO (Cebu Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Managment Office)

Tool Kit
eBAYANIHAN                                           +     SHINE OS+

EpiNurse Nepal


EpiNurse Nepal began in August 2015 and was completed in April 2016, using an exploratory, descriptive design and action research approach that allowed the investigation of a quality improvement process that simultaneously supports changed management. 

Monitoring was conducted by trained local nurses using the toolkit in Kathmandu for 4 months at 24 Camps in 10 affected districts (Gorkha, Dolakha, Sindhupalchok, Nuwakot, Rasuwa, Kavrepalanchok, Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, and Lalitpur).

Traditional paper and telephone method for data collection took more time than the smartphone application due to difficult accessibility of telephone lines. To solve this problem, we developed a new application in collaboration with Kathmandu Living Labs, a Nepali civic tech company. The mobile application collected shelter related data and information, such as location and timestamps, geo-tagged photos, and specific questionnaire with location information by the geotagging function. This system development and active engagement process were designed to engage local nurses in quality improvement.


This result shows one of the ways practical and solution-oriented rapid collaboration can challenge conventional public health security monitoring systems that require near real-time, population-based, statistical alarms to alert to unusual activity. It also includes some key issues to develop the next methodological model of health monitoring, offering a strong interactive network which crosses cultural and societal differences, geographies and generations.

J-Rapid Project Team Funded by Japan Science and Technology Agency, FY '2016

Tara Pokhrel

Project Leader

Apsara Pandey Khanal
Archana Shresta Joshi

Pf.D, Sociologist, Gender and Care

Sushila Paudel


EpiNurse Nepal 2015-
Sarada Barakoti

Sundari Tamang

Urmila Chitrakar

Sarita Dhungana

Pramila Jirel

Shreemaya Jirel

Devaki Khatiwada

Babita Jirel

Lumbini Shakya

Sunita Panthi

Roshani Shrestha

Chandramaya Dangal

Madhu Gomja

Indramaya Gurung

Maya Shrestha

Sharan Khanal

Indramaya Shrestha

Ram kumari Luitel

Samjhana Kunwar

Thakchi Sherpa

Sumala Basnet

Sanumaya khadka

Jasmaya Jirel

Srijana Khadka

Sarita Dhakal

EpiNurse Nepal 2017

apsara mam.jpg
Apsara Pandey Khanal

Project Leader

Tara Pokhrel


Sushila Paudel

EpiNurse Co-ordinator

Sushila Paudel

EpiNurse Co-ordinator

Uttam Paudel

System Co-ordinator

Sangita Gyawali

Project Assistant

Sangita Gyawali

Project Assistant

Abin Rimal

Local System Developer

Roshani Ghimire

Field Co-ordinator

Shobha Dahal


EpiNurse TOT Group
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EpiNurse Kathmandu
EpiNurse Sindhupalchok
EpiNurse Pokhara
EpiNurse Butwal
EpiNurse Birgung,Parsa

EpiNurse Indonesia 


We are developing the GIS platform and plotting health monitoring records. We offer a strong interactive network which crosses cultural and societal boundaries in Indonesia. We promote research knowledge and exchange of ideas regarding social issues and challenges in the field of emergency preparedness and response. Disaster risk reduction literacy among civilian and professional populations, is one outcome, and the development and ongoing enhancement of resilience in the communities selected, is another.

Hasti Widyasamratri

Geographer, Geographic Information System

Yudi Ariesta Chandra

Rini Damayanti

Hastoro Dwinantoaji

EpiNurse Congo 


We enhance community health in Congolese vulnerable communities through health promotion (behavioral change) and primary health care (PHC) interventions by: monitoring of Malaria and viral Communicable diseases (HIV/AIDS, Ebolavirus disease, viral hepatitis B&C) and assessment of related risk factors in vulnerable groups. We also improve community health and resilience through disease prevention and control by local health systems, reduce disease (malaria and communicable diseases) prevalence in vulnerable communities.

Ngatu Rogers Nlandu

MD, Ph.D. Environmental Health

Malonga Kaj François

MD, Ph.D. Environmental Health

Project Members

 University of Kinshasa (Tropical Diseases Department)

    - Prof. Wumba Roger; Infectious Diseases specialist.

    - Dr Madone Mandina; HIV/AIDS specialist.

Songwa University/I.S.T.S. (Health Sciences department):

    -  Prof. Kiaku Bunza (Public Health specialist).

University President Kasa-Vubu (Medicine Department):

     - Prof. Longo Benjamin (Internist).

University of Lubumbashi (School of Public Health):

    - Prof. Abel Ntambue Mukengeshayi (Maternal and Child      

      Health specialist).

    - Prof. Oscar Luboya (Public Health specialist).

N.P.Os. Congo Heiwa-Mura & Biodiversity Emergency Team (BET/EUB):

    - Dr Nangana Luzitu Severin (Kinshasa)

    - Dr Willy Lukanga (Lubumbashi).

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